At the end of the season, Andy Robinson will be stepping down as ARCA coordinator.

Andy joined the panel in 2018 and has done a fantastic job for the championship including the switch to the 750MC making racing more affordable and accessible to our drivers. The ARCA panel, drivers, teams and supporters would like to extend our sincere gratitude for all the hard work and effort Andy has put in over the past few years.

With that being said, we are now looking for a replacement to take on the responsibility of running the championship alongside the other panel members, liaise with the 750MC on important issues and try to increase our grid numbers to ensure that the Championship remains viable and grows and thrives into the future. Internal discussions are taking place but we also wanted to extend the opportunity to anyone who feels they can fulfil the role.

If you think you’d be a good fit or would like to discuss responsibilities in more detail, please contact the ARCA panel ([email protected]).

Please note: The role cannot be fulfilled at the same time as competing in the championship.