I am delighted to announce that HITEK Electronic Materials will be our lead sponsor for the 2021 season. Our Championship will therefore be formally titled the ‘Hitek Electronic Materials Alfa Romeo Championship’ this year. Hitek are a Scunthorpe-based high technology company specialising in areas such as EMI Shielding, Adhesives and Encapsulants, Thermal Management, Microwave Absorption and Anti-Corrosion materials.

All drivers will be issued with a new Hitek Electronic Materials sun strip to fit to their screens, replacing the Alfa Romeo Owners’ Club sun strips that have been fitted in recent seasons. We will continue to carry the AROC logo elsewhere on our cars. There are expected to be formal media announcements on our new relationship with Hitek shortly. We will also continue to carry the existing Hitek stickers elsewhere on our cars. Special thanks go to Steve O’Brien and Richard Ford for their work in bringing this exciting new sponsorship agreement to fruition.
At the time of writing this bulletin there was still an element of uncertainty as to whether or not our first meeting will definitely go ahead on 3rd April. This is principally because of the continuing ban on overnight stays and restrictions on travel which will remain in place until 12th April. Opinion in the Motorsport community appears to be divided on the issue but we should have final clarification imminently – perhaps by the time you read this bulletin.
Our new Regulations for the 2021 season are on the Alfaracer website and it is important for all drivers and preparers to ensure they are familiar with them – and of course abide by them! They can be viewed and downloaded below.