The redraft of our Championship regulations has been completed and sent off to the 750 Motor Club.
They have added a couple of things and the revised version has been sent off to Motorsport UK for approval. Key points for drivers to note are:
- Our calendar for 2021 will consist of 6 double header meetings. There is no change to the dropped scores rule.
- Following a driver vote we will revert to the system whereby the grid for the second race will be determined by the finishing order in Race 1 rather than the second fastest qualifying time.
- The second races at Croft and Snetterton will form with a reverse grid. The Modified/Power Trophy group and the Twin Spark Cup group will remain separate, i.e. there will be 2 separate reverse grids.
- Twin Spark Cup cars will need to display their minimum weight in small letters on the rear side windows. This is determined by model. For 145s and 146s it is 1160 kg; for all other models it is 1180 kg. The 750 MC has requested this change to assist scrutineers in Parc Ferme.
- Power Trophy class drivers will need to complete a rolling road test with their car prior to the first race they are entering and forward the graphs to the Championship Coordinator and Eligibility Scrutineer along with the weight of the driver in full race kit. The Eligibility Scrutineer will then calculate the minimum weight for the car according to the Power-to-Weight regulations and this figure must be shown in small letters in the rear side window of the car. This again is a requirement of 750 MC to assist the scrutineers in Parc Ferme.
- Twin Spark Cup tyre allowances for the season are unchanged but the wording in the regulations has been clarified. All tyres must have the bar codes attached to them as provided by Black ‘n’ Rounds to the driver. This again is a 750 MC requirement in order to ensure closer control of the allocations.
- There are some requirements in the Power Trophy section of the Regulations in terms of MiTOs and Giuliettas which anticipate the regulations for a potential future class for these cars. Those building and preparing these cars will need to read these carefully.
2020 Season Awards
The plan for the 2020 Season Awards is to present them at the first 2021 race meeting at Silverstone, subject to any Covid 19 restrictions that may still be in place. We will then post the remaining awards to those recipients who are not present at that Silverstone meeting.

We are very pleased to have been invited to race at this meeting in June 2021 which is being organised by the Ferrari Owners’ Club. It is particularly important for us to have a strong grid at that meeting and ARCA will be refunding £100 to every driver who enters and takes part. We ask that all drivers make a special effort to be there. We are aware also that the entry fee for the Festival Italia meeting at Brands in August is relatively high and, finances permitting, we are hoping to refund drivers £100 on the same basis there.
The 750 MC Chief Scrutineer has given us advance warning of things that he has noted during the truncated 2020 season that drivers need to be aware of. These include the minimum weights for TS Cup and Power Trophy cars being displayed in the rear side window and closer control of TS Cup tyre allowances (see Regs above). He has also noted that some cars appear to be very nearly – if not actually – in breach of the requirement that wheels/tyres need to be completely covered by the bodywork and not to protrude beyond it, so please be aware that this will be closely monitored.
I am very pleased to say that our Eligibility Scrutineer, Kev Lewis, is planning to be at all our 2021 meetings. He will be keeping a spreadsheet of all Power Trophy power figures and minimum weights and will be sharing these with other scrutineers as appropriate. Cars will be weighed at a number of circuits to check compliance and may also be asked to do a power check on 750 MC’s rolling road where that is present.
The present ARCA logo dates from the time ARCA was formed in 2001 and we felt it was due for a review and update. Matt Daly has taken on this task and presented the results of his work at the (virtual) Panel meeting on 22nd November. It looks superb and has been enthusiastically endorsed by the Panel.

We are very pleased to announce that WOYA DIGITAL will be sponsoring and working closely with us again next season in a marketing role. They have helped us enormously particularly in enhancing our social media profile and in attracting much-needed sponsorship to the Championship.

Andy Robinson
Championship Coordinator