2020 Points Table

Updated 4th November – Subject to confirmation. For details on how the points are calculated, please see the 2020 regulations.
Please note, for 2020, all starters get 1 point.

2020 Overall Top 10

PosNameClassPointsPoints (DS)
1Tom HillPT130129
2Andrew BourkeTS147126
3Dave MessengerPT146110
4George OsbornePT135105
5Simon CresswellTS102102
6Richard FordTS12599
7Graham SeagerM11498
-Gethin LlewellynTS10390
9James FordTS10389
10Andy InmanPT9986

M: Modified, PT: Power Trophy, TS: Twin Spark Cup, DS: Dropped Score. Subject to minimum starters rule - See Regulations for details

Points Scoring

Class 1st20
Class 2nd18
Class 3rd16
Class 4th14
Class 5th12
Class 6th10
Class 7th8
Class 8th6
Class 9th4
Class 10th2
All other starters1
Race Fastest Lap1
Qualifying Class 1st1

2020 Modified Points Table

2020 Power Trophy Points Table

2020 Twin Spark Cup Points Table

2020 Round by Round

PosNameClassR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8PointsPoints (DS)
1Tom HillPT22211022212221130129
2Andrew BourkeTS222122121212220147126
3Dave MessengerPT1818182018181818146110
4George OsbornePT1416221916161616135105
5Simon CresswellTS14181820181400102102
6Richard FordTS161214161716161812599
7Graham SeagerM18212161514141411498
-Gethin LlewellynTS18141141418121210390
9James FordTS616121888181710389
10Andy InmanPT1614112141414149986
11Steve O'BrienTS121016210121147572
12Scott AustinM161811900005454
13Jon BillingsleyTS0000121014104646
14Riccardo LosselliM101191400004444
15Simon McFiePT101161400004141
16Luke PowellTS10101166003434
17Luke PraolinePT81210100003131
18Chris McFiePT12111600003030
19Richard ThurbinM12160000002828
20Matt DalyPT00000012122424
21Barry McMahonM2200000002222
22Martin JonesTS0081210002121
23Daniel WoodPT0014100001515
24Vincent DuboisM1400000001414
25Alastair BaptiePT0012100001313
26Will PowellTS0010000001010
27Jeremy ChiltonTS8100000099
28Sean HurleyTS0060000066
29Stacey DennisTS0000410055
30Jonathan TortolaniTS1000000011
-Jamie ThwaitesPT0010000011